Sunday, October 9, 2011

By Jennie Robinson
Published on November 28, 2005

This article is telling us how we shouldn’t fall victim to using marketing and business terms in our website. How by making things dull for the reader nobody will want to read what is on our websites. It argues that we should be authentic in how we convey our message. We should write and describe not define what we are writing about. As put by the writer Jennie Robinson the audience is God. It makes a lot of sense, in the end whether anyway will revisit your website or explore more of it depends if it is interesting enough to remember. This should be in careful context, don’t imitate hip sites because they have likely invested a lot of research and time into knowing their market. She also interjects that we should avoid jargon and buzz-words, because they should be written out, even if there considered short hand, eventually it gets translated to normal length.

I think that most of the arguments are valid, because if I start skimming a website and it sounds uneventful or forgettable I grab the information I originally wanted and leave. I often find myself reading whole articles if written well, and genuinely interesting. Even under short timing conditions. I think most of the time you should write descriptively instead of defining your message, but you also want to make some part shorter in case your just skimming. The best example is review sites, I will instantly scroll down to see what the score was, and if I am puzzled I will read the article, or if there points are interesting I may investigate further. Now back to jargon, or buzz-words (though there not the same, the purpose between both are similar) they should be used on very specialized sites only. If you are a plumbing company and there is jargon to describe one of your products, definitely put it in the description, but if you sell to the general public define it, or leave it just in the keywords. Just take a step back if you are making a site, and have someone else read it, if they think its bland chances are it probably is. Oh and choose who you let proofread it carefully, not to be cruel but there are some people who are tasteless, or hate everything. Don’t let them proofread it. If you would like some more tips for writing I found this book to be a great help The Book on Writing: The Ultimate Guide to Writing Well
